Hallo, ik wil de kast wel overnemen. weet je de maten. do you have the size ?
Sure, the size is height=202, width=80, depth=28. If you want it, please send me a private message, and we can agree on when. Valentino
Can you take the shelf apart to pick it up with mij car ? it;s possible to pick it up thursday between 16;00-20;00 uur Is it Ok ? en what is the adress ?
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Hallo, ik wil de kast wel overnemen. weet je de maten. do you have the size ?
Sure, the size is height=202, width=80, depth=28. If you want it, please send me a private message, and we can agree on when. Valentino
Can you take the shelf apart to pick it up with mij car ? it;s possible to pick it up thursday between 16;00-20;00 uur Is it Ok ? en what is the adress ?